Redefining Industry Principles: Industry Leaders Prioritize Innovation and Shareholder Value Amidst Activist Challenges
In order to support innovation and expand shareholder-value, industry leaders are pushing back against DEI initiatives and embracing investment in prosperous hydrocarbon technologies. These major shifts bode well for both Frontieras and the economy as a whole.
Upholding Energy Independence: Shell’s Pragmatic Approach to Carbon Reduction Illustrates Fallacy of Paris Climate Agreement’s 2050 Goals
Energy Industry’s Backtracking Shines Light on Need for Frontieras’ FASForm’s Ability to Create a More Efficient and Profitable Energy Sector
Beyond the Light Switch: How Energy Demand Reveals a Society’s Strength
Strong energy policy creates prosperity, independence, and flourishing of nations. Many nations are paying a heavy price for their poor energy policies, but Frontieras’ FASForm energy technology offers a powerful solution for their continued growth and prosperity worldwide.
AI and Frontieras Converge As Demand for Energy Consumption Expected to Rise 10+ Fold
As the Artificial Intelligence industry continues to boom, global energy demands will rise significantly in response. The next generation of Artificial Intelligence technologies will increase that demand even further. Frontieras is positioned to meet those demands.
2024 Energy Forecast: Global Adversity Creates Clarity for Frontieras’ State-of-the-Art Processing Technology
Frontieras anticipates completion of strategic company objectives in 2024, and forecasts projections in political upheaval, interest rates, opposition to the Green Agenda, and stock market developments.
2023: A Foundational Year for Frontieras North America
A review of Frontieras North America’s company progress in 2023, relative to major developments in global energy markets and the geopolitical landscape.
As Green Investments Flounder & Capital Flees, FASForm Energy Tech Offers Major Opportunity in Debt & Equity Markets
Frontieras’ next-generation FASForm forecasts outsized returns and yields in the energy sector — with zero reliance upon government subsidies.
The E2B Concept: Energy as the Backbone of Commerce
Energy reliability is crucial for businesses to maintain their operations and meet the demands of their customers. Because abundant, affordable, available energy is critical for success in every industry, Frontieras’ CEO Matthew McKean has coined the term "E2B" or "Energy to Business" to emphasize the importance of energy in driving commerce as a necessity for industry in modern society.
Frontieras’ Clean Technology Accelerates Great American Coal Conversion
Frontieras FASForm is a major innovation in energy technology, expanding the value of the 225 operational coals plants in the United States with new revenue streams and allowing existing coal plants to lose the emissions, save the jobs, and retain the energy.