The E2B Concept: Energy as the Backbone of Commerce

Written by Matthew McKean, CEO and co-founder of Frontieras North America (LinkedIn)

In today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape, energy reliability and cost management have become critical factors for success. We frequently hear the term B2B, or “Business to Business,” as a descriptor of the customer base of companies that solicit other companies.   Frontieras North America’ CEO Matthew McKean has coined the term "E2B" or "Energy to Business" to emphasize the importance of energy in driving commerce as a necessity for industry in modern society. This article will explore the concept of E2B, its significance in the business world, and how companies can leverage it to achieve sustainable growth.

McKean's E2B concept highlights the fundamental role of energy in powering businesses and driving economic growth. Energy is the lifeblood of any organization, as it powers the machinery, technology, and infrastructure that enable companies to operate efficiently and effectively. Without a reliable and cost-effective energy supply, businesses would struggle to maintain their operations, let alone grow and thrive.  This seems to be common sense, yet the ESG movement is a “forced distraction” pushing many companies towards a volatile and uncertain future.

The E2B concept underscores the need for businesses to prioritize energy management and invest in sustainable energy solutions. By doing so, companies can not only reduce their operating costs but also minimize their environmental impact and contribute to a greener future.


The Importance of Energy Reliability in Commerce

Energy reliability is crucial for businesses to maintain their operations and meet the demands of their customers. Unpredictable energy supply can lead to disruptions in production, delays in service delivery, and ultimately, loss of revenue. Moreover, energy outages can damage a company's reputation, as customers may perceive the business as unreliable and unprofessional.  Many companies cannot afford “down time” due to the “just in time” economy demands.

To ensure energy reliability, the finance and banking sectors must invest in robust energy infrastructure, sound-technologies that provide reliability, and adopt proactive energy management strategies. This includes regular maintenance of equipment, monitoring energy consumption, and implementing energy efficiency measures to reduce the risk of outages and minimize downtime.


The Role of Energy Costs in Business Success

Energy costs can have a significant impact on a company's bottom line. High energy expenses can erode profit margins and make it difficult for businesses to compete in the market. As a result, managing energy costs is essential for companies to maintain their financial health and achieve sustainable growth.

The E2B concept emphasizes the need for businesses to adopt energy-efficient technologies and practices to reduce their energy consumption and costs. By doing so, companies can not only improve their profitability but also gain a competitive edge in the market.


Leveraging E2B for Sustainable Growth

To harness the power of E2B and achieve sustainable growth, businesses should consider the following strategies:

1. Invest in energy-efficient technologies: Upgrading to energy-efficient equipment and systems can significantly reduce energy consumption and costs. Examples include LED lighting, high-efficiency HVAC systems, and energy management software.

2. Implement energy management best practices: Regularly monitoring energy consumption, setting energy-saving targets, and training employees on energy conservation can help businesses optimize their energy use and reduce costs.

3. Strongly reconsider support for unreliable energy options: wind and solar that are unreliable and require redundant backup forms of energy which significantly increase the cost or power and increase price volatility.

4.  Support energy production that is dispatchable, predictable and low-cost.

5.  Strongly support political decisions that align with preserving reliable, low-cost dispachable forms of energy while opposing special interests and covert “environmentalists” whose intentions are not transparent.



Matthew McKean's E2B concept highlights the critical role of energy in driving commerce and business success. By prioritizing energy reliability and cost management, companies cannot only improve their operational efficiency but also achieve sustainable growth in today's competitive business landscape. Embracing the E2B concept is a strategic move that can help businesses unlock their full potential and contribute to a more sustainable future. 

To learn more about Frontieras North America and its patented energy solution or to invest in the company, please visit


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