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Winter To Bring Energy Deficient Countries To Their Knees

Frontieras predicts that Germany will fall the furthest because of inaction by gov to address energy shortcoming. Countries’ economic and political collapse will be a consequence of an inability to deliver abundant and affordable energy.

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Guest User Guest User

West Virginia is at the Epicenter of Today’s Energy Debate

As policymakers worldwide have opposed common-sense decisions regarding energy production, West Virginia’s senators have been pivotal in the fight for the American people’s access to the abundant, affordable, available energy we need in our daily lives... and this is exactly why Frontieras is proud to be bringing its first FASForm energy production facility to West Virginia.

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American Innovation: The Solution to Scarcity

This Independence Day, Frontieras is reflecting on the grit and determination required to birth our nation in 1776. It’s with this same American spirit of grit, determination, innovation, and excellence that Frontieras team sees a path forward for our nation to emerge out of crisis - and into an abundant future.

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Chase Paisley Chase Paisley

Renewables: As Ironic Today as 20 Years Ago

We are in an energy crisis that is only just beginning. Our faith in the “renewable” energy market has created a house of cards that has countries scrambling to make up for the shortfall of available energy.  Learn how the renewable energy market has played a large role in today’s current energy crisis.

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Energy is the Basis of Life

The relationship between energy and our way of life is intertwined. The departure from hydrocarbons as an energy source has the potential to decimate our economy, prohibit our ability to deliver reliable energy and could leave millions vulnerable. Learn how Frontieras North America is poised to address these shortcomings and provide a reliable source of energy.

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Chase Paisley Chase Paisley

Can Coal Technology Save the Whales... Again?

Prior to Abraham Gesner’s innovation in coal technology in 1861, whales were on the verge of extinction. Thanks to Gesner’s technological innovation - the extraction of kerosene from coal - the whale population was saved from being harvested for their oil.

The global whale population is now once again threatened further by pollution of waste plastics in the world’s oceans. Fortunately, Frontieras’s FASForm technology holds the solution.

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