American Innovation: The Solution to Scarcity

Written by Matthew McKean, CEO and co-founder of Frontieras North America (LinkedIn)


Happy Fourth of July, everyone. 

The Fourth of July celebrates the birth of American independence and commemorates the passage of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. The Declaration of Independence, written by our nation’s founders, allowed us as a nation to adapt, grow, and become the birthing ground of innovation for the past 245 years. America, thanks to the opportunities it provides its citizens, has become a beacon of light to many around the globe. 

For my business partner, Joseph Witherspoon and I, the Fourth of July represents the grit and fortitude of those who have come before us. The founding fathers’ ability to create such an ever-green, long-lasting document is a testament to their vision. It is this same type of spirit and vision that allows us to bring a new technology to the hydrocarbon energy market. Frontieras North America’s entry into the energy market allows the company to address the dearth of reliable energy that has us in this current crisis.

Joe and I have worked diligently over the past decade to bring Frontier Applied Sciences, and its subsidiary Frontieras North America, to the market. Over this time, the mission of the company has remained consistent -- to bring available, affordable and abundant energy to the masses. Frontier Applied Science has worked tirelessly to validate the technology, create a scalable plant, and execute on a go-to-market strategy of Frontieras’ Solid Carbon Fractionation (SCF). 

Over the past several years, Frontieras has worked with third parties to validate the technology process. This was achieved by building a scaled-down version of the plant (aka “Alfred”) that allowed us to test the technology, validate the results and illustrate the yields that can be achieved when fractionation technology is applied to a solid carbon. Once the solution was validated, Joe and his team worked in parallel with an engineering firm to complete the necessary engineering plans so that Frontieras was able to move forward quickly on building a plant. Frontieras North America’s go-to market strategy has taken shape as Frontieras pursues funding, locks down land acquisitions, aligns strategic partnerships, bolsters its management team and creates a clear runway to playing a large role in the U.S. energy sector and abroad. 

Frontieras North America’s FASForm technology combines two long-standing and proven processing technologies into one continuous process. This innovation deconstructs coal to extract the volatiles, moisture, and contaminants into three highly profitable forms of energy, including gases, liquids, and solids. When the process is complete, Frontieras produces hydrogen, methane, naphtha, diesel, aviation fuel, and FASCarbon™, a clean coal. The result is multiple energy products, producing cheaper power, and ‘cleaning up’ every aspect of coal. Specific outcomes produced by Frontieras include:

  • Produces 2.3 barrels of liquid fuels from each ton of coal processed.

  • Our closed-loop process produces over 20 million standard cubic feet of hydrogen per day (mmscfd) used to power our facility.

  • Makes Frontieras the first hydrogen-powered plant powered in the United States.

  • Produces FASCarbon™, a virtually sulfur-free coal. Functions as a replacement carbon for steel manufacturing and coal-fired plants that burns hotter, cleaner, and with lower emissions.

We believe that our FASForm technology is the solution to address the energy crisis. It will bring life to aging processing plants and allow America to gain energy independence through the smarter processing of hydrocarbon technologies. Frontieras’ introduction to the market cannot be timelier. 

  • Globally, governments are shunning renewable energy sources as they continue to fall short of expectations.

  • From a legal perspective, the US Supreme court ruled in favor of West Virginia last Thursday in a monumental case, “West Virginia vs. the EPA.” The ruling states that the Environmental Protection Agency does not have the power to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants without authorization from Congress, drastically limiting the policy tools the EPA can use to address climate change. In the majority opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote that the EPA “must point to ‘clear congressional authorization’ for the power it claims.” He added, “Capping carbon dioxide emissions at a level that will force a nationwide transition away from the use of coal to generate electricity may be a sensible ‘solution to the crisis of the day, but it is not plausible that Congress gave EPA the authority to adopt on its own such a regulatory scheme.”

Leap forward 245 years, and we as a nation continue to evolve as a republic. The traits that helped build America in 1776, including fortitude, tenacity, perseverance, and ingenuity, are still alive today and are found in companies like Frontieras North America as it applies new technology to address energy resource concerns. Frontieras is poised to address the energy crisis with the same fortitude that allowed us to evolve as a country. To learn more about Frontieras North America and its patented energy solution, please visit our site at

God Bless, and enjoy a safe Fourth of July. 

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