Frontieras’ No-Waste Approach to Processing Hydrocarbons Supports a Renewed Look at Coal to Deliver Energy Globally

Frontieras’ Application of Technology Innovation Modernizes Coal Processing to Create Zero-Waste Process that Creates Improved Yields of Gas, Liquid and Solid Forms of Energy

Scottsdale, AZ August 17, 2022 – Frontieras North America, a subsidiary of Frontier Applied Sciences, today called for a change in the way that the global coal industry discusses the use of fossil fuels and the processing of coal. Refuting the anti-coal movement’s argument, Frontieras’ technology positively harnesses the role of carbon in energy production. Frontieras calls for the global coal industry and related associations to embrace new technologies that will further advance the industry that, according to the World Coal Association, accounts for 40% of the world’s electricity. Instead of creating policies to eliminate the use of coal, today’s governments need to evolve their thinking about how innovation, technology and collaboration allow us to harness the ubiquitous supply of coal for the betterment of civilization while maximizing the output of beneficial byproducts contained within the coal.

Michelle Manook, Chief Executive Officer of the World Coal Association (WCA), shared with Reuters at the end of 2021 that, “The coal industry was not quick enough to explain the potential of clean technologies that can give the fossil fuel a place in a sustainable energy matrix.” This perspective, from a leading authority, aligns with Frontieras’ offering and supports the balance between coal and other energy sources across the globe. This line of dialog, describing the coexistence of technology and resources, allows for the continued investment in new technology and the proactive sharing of information that correctly positions coal and the use of hydrocarbons in today’s ever-connected world.

With its patented Solid Carbon Fractionation technology validated, Frontieras is on the cusp of constructing the industry’s first zero-waste processing plant. Frontieras’ FASForm™ plant deploys a continuous-feed refining process for coal and other solids that uses continuous heat and pressure to reform, refine and liberate the constituents of solid carbonaceous materials that contain volatile compounds. By deconstructing the coal to its core elements, Frontieras FASForm removes nearly all sulfur, mercury, and arsenic, as well as the moisture, which upgrades the thermal value of the final carbon product. Specifically, FASForm extracts high value liquids and gases from solids while producing a purified solid carbon product known as FASCarbon™. FASForm also illustrates how Frontieras captures and repurposes those energy elements so no waste is emitted into the air, water, and soil. This process allows Frontieras to repurpose the captured violates, lower the carbon footprint, and reduce CO2 emissions. 

“FASForm technology has positioned Frontieras on the frontlines of the energy revolution,” said Joseph Witherspoon, P.E., Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer (CTO).  “Combined with Frontieras’ ability to upgrade coal into the highest quality energy products, our zero-waste FASForm technology transforms would-be contaminants and pollutants into additional high-value products such as agricultural fertilizer. Frontieras is literally protecting the planet while delivering much needed energy products to improve the quality of life for all its citizens.”

Frontieras’ “no waste” vision has allowed the company to become a thought leader in the clean technology arena and has helped define what that means going forward. Frontieras’ innovative approach is changing the physical make-up of its feedstock by liberating and harvesting the different elements from the raw material. For example, Frontieras’ use of standard coal as feedstock includes reducing the amount of sulfur in the coal and syphoning off the ammonia gas. In completing this process, Frontieras is essentially converting standard coal into coal coke (often used in the production of steel manufacturing). In addition, Frontieras extracts and captures hydrogen to power the FASForm plant.  Frontieras’ process yields produce of a wide gamut of products, including sulfuric acid, ammonia, and fertilizer. This approach creates a cleaner product with a host of benefits, including:

  • Energy efficiency

  • No air, water or soil pollution

  • No waste streams

  • No waste products

“The days of dirty coal are over,” said Matthew McKean, CEO and co-founder of Frontieras North America.  “The images of black smokestacks polluting the environment in the 70’s has been replaced with clean technology that processes coal efficiently and repurposes carbon in a safe and meaningful manner. Frontieras, and its introduction of FASForm technology, is pushing the industry forward and changing the conversation surrounding carbon and the use of coal.”

Frontieras has seen tremendous interest from a broad spectrum of companies and industries as its entrance into the energy market is positioning it to become a disruptive force for positive change. The technological advancements contained within the FASForm plants can extend the life of many established coal processing plants by modernizing them to conform to changing regulatory compliance, augmenting revenue and creating improved yields. FASForm’s ability to reform a solid carbonaceous material to produce and separate valuable gas products such as hydrogen and methane, as well as high-value liquid products such as naphtha, jet fuel and diesel has allowed it to quickly gain mindshare and positioned the company to address the current energy crisis. Finally, FASForm’s production of an upgraded solid carbon product, superior to current metallurgical coke (since it is moisture free, devoid of volatiles and nearly sulfur-free) has piqued the manufacturing sector’s interest.

About Frontieras

Frontieras North America, a subsidiary of Frontier Applied Sciences (FAS), is a privately held entity formed in 2010. FAS holds patents on five continents that cover more than 3.7 billion people, including the United States and Canada. Frontieras’ FASForm™ streamlines the processing of solid hydro carbonaceous materials and maximizes the energy output in each of its three forms: solids, liquids, and gas. FASForm is extremely efficient, and products can be delivered to market at or below market comparable prices without relying upon any government subsidies or carbon credits.  For more information visit

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