Energy Independence via American Exceptionalism

Written by Matthew McKean, CEO and co-founder of Frontieras North   America (LinkedIn)

Frontieras North America and its innovative FASForm technology allows Americans to take a significant step towards solidifying energy independence. 

The reality of energy independence has been building momentum within the United States since the turn of the century with the capturing and use of natural gas as an energy source.  Ironically, this happened while the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) were attacking coal, much of it sponsored by Natural Gas producers (Sierra Club; Beyond Coal paid $35M by Chesapeake Energy).  However, natural gas prices are much more volatile, and as is now obvious with the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage, easily interrupted.

The innovation of Frontieras’ FASForm, to reimagine coal’s value in a clean “no waste” processing environment, positions the United States to reap the value of  FASForm yields and build on momentum created by natural gas, to gain both an economic and geopolitical advantage.

Energy independence is critical to allowing the U.S. to maintain its position as a world leader. Becoming independent allows the United States to free itself from countries that have the power to manipulate supply and price without consequences and gain true energy security.  Today, the U.S. imports auxiliary energy from energy rich countries where political tensions run high, including China, Iraq, Russia, and Saudi Arabia.  Regardless of which side of the political aisle you sit on, the political freedom that is achieved with becoming an energy rich nation, independent of others, is undisputed.  Reducing dependence on foreign energy provides many benefits, including:

  • Strengthening national security

  • Ability to enact foreign policies without fear of retaliation

  • Diverting defense money that is normally spent protecting U.S. oil interest abroad back into the nation’s economy

  • Creating new domestic jobs

  • Enhancing U.S. economic growth

The United States is a fertile ground when it comes to coal. Many industry experts compare the U.S. coal deposits to Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves.  Conservative estimates have the coal reserves in the U.S. lasting more than 350 years.  Some experts believe this number is very low and there are thousands of years of coal reserves on U.S. soil that are not yet identified because of location and the cost to access.

Frontieras North America, a subsidiary of Frontier Applied Sciences, has spent the last 12 years developing a technology that reimagines the processing of hydrocarbons within a broader energy market.  Frontieras’ patented technology, Solid Carbon Fractionation™ (SCF), reforms coal into FASForm liquid and gas offerings, as well as a cleaner version of coal known as FASCarbon. Frontieras FASForm applies a continuous, in-process fractionation of the extracted hydrocarbons into separate liquid fuel streams. These innovations are grounded in straightforward refinery and fluidized-bed reactor engineering. 

Frontieras North America’s first FASForm plant site is on the bank of the Ohio river in West Virginia in 2024.  Specific yield outcomes from the FASForm Plant’s processing of 7,500 tons of coal a day will result in:

  • FASForm to produce 2.3 barrels of liquid fuels from each ton of coal processed

  • FASForm’s closed loop process produces over 20 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) of hydrogen used to power the facility

  • This production of hydrogen makes Frontieras the first hydrogen-powered plant in the United States.

  • FASForm produces FASCarbon™, a virtually sulfur free coal which functions as a replacement carbon for steel manufacturing and coal fired plants that burns hotter, cleaner and with lower emissions.

Early in its formation, Frontieras’ parent company patented the FASForm technology on five continents, including nine of the largest coal nations: United States, Canada, Australia, India, Indonesia, South Africa, China, Russia, and Germany. Declarations of Frontieras’ patent have been made in another 139 countries under the International Patent Cooperation treaty. This foresight has allowed Frontieras to generate broad interest beyond the U.S. borders to attract capital to deliver a plant construction timeline for commissioning in 30-34 months.

Across the world, we are watching the fallout as Russia constricts the gas supply to western Europe.  Countries quick to identify alternative sources have been recognized as resilient (i.e. Italy), while countries like Germany spiral out of control.  Germany has a tough path forward as it looks to replace the energy that was effectively turned off because of political motives.  For Germany and every country, the inability to deliver abundant and affordable energy has a direct correlation to a country’s economic stimulation and citizen safety.

The geopolitical freedom that comes with energy independence cannot be discounted.  The United States sits upon a vast reserve of coal and by adopting innovation like Frontieras’, it has a path to secure its energy independence for many generations. 

To learn more about Frontieras North America and its patented energy solution or to invest in the company, please visit

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