Anatomy of a Winning Leadership Team: Joe Witherspoon

Written by Matthew McKean, CEO and co-founder of Frontieras North America (LinkedIn)

The most successful organizations share a common trait – an experienced and stable management team that is passionate about their core offerings and competent in their expertise. Leadership teams are tasked with setting and achieving specific goals, taking fast and decisive action, out working the competition, and encouraging others to perform at the highest level. This definition provides a framework for management but lacks the “why” and “how” these objectives are accomplished for a company.

It is impossible to discuss Frontieras North America and its journey from inception 12 years ago to the opportunity that lies ahead in the energy sector, without introducing Joe Witherspoon, EVP, CTO and Co-founder of Frontieras North America. For Frontieras, Witherspoon represents both the “why” and “how.”

Witherspoon is a passionate advocate within with the energy sector who has turned his obsession of foundational science into addressing real world problems. Specifically, Witherspoon brings to his post at Frontieras a strong conceptual and practical understanding of petroleum refining, natural gas processing and other major chemical processes. This expertise and passion for life’s core elements (e.g. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen) are complimented by Witherspoon’s background as a process design engineer. Unique in the industry, Witherspoon’s combination of theoretical and practical experience is foundational for identifying the true value within coal and inventing and patenting the FASForm™ process which Frontieras North America is built on.  It is Witherspoon’s innovative process design capabilities that are allowing Frontieras to bring FASForm to life in the construction of its first FASForm plant.

Witherspoon, the architect of FASForm, embodies Frontieras’ mission to deliver abundant, available and affordable energy.  Witherspoon developed FASForm understanding the value of the elements held within coal and applied his expertise to introduce the proven fractionation process to a solid matter.  The result is Frontieras’ Solid Carbon Fractionation™ process that reimagines and exploits coal down to its fundamental elements to produce a wide range of energy yields. FASForm is the latest innovation in Witherspoon’s career of identifying opportunities in places where others did not think to look. As Frontieras embarks to commercialize FASForm by Q3 of 2024, Witherspoon applies the same proven methodical process design approach that he has successfully done throughout his career. This is no small task as Frontieras looks to build something for the first time within a truncated timeframe to address the current energy crisis.

Witherspoon is Involved in every aspect of Frontieras North America and applies his multi-discipline expertise to act as a conductor. In this role, Witherspoon orchestrates the necessary partners to ensure that the civil, electrical, structural, mechanical, and process engineering are in place to bring his vision to life. To date, Witherspoon has completed the first three phases of Front-End Loading (FEL) process with Job Industrial Services, a third-party engineering group.  Frontieras is now in the Execution stage that will result in an operational plant by Q3 of 2024.  Outlined below are the three FEL stages and the execution stage that illustrate where and how Witherspoon has made such an impact.

  1. FEL-1: Witherspoon was able to create and validate the concept of FASForm, the value of FASCarbon (a clean carbon product) and the practical applications of the produced yields that are created from the Solid Carbon Fractionation. In identifying the outcomes, Witherspoon was able to expand the footprint of the plant to accommodate the addition of captured ammonia, hydrogen and methane gas. This foresight during FEL-1 allows Frontieras the ability to maximize the designed efficiency and production capabilities; and therefore, profitability of the plant.

  2. FEL-2:  FEL-2 allowed Witherspoon to build upon the validated results to complete a cost and feasibility analysis.  It is this stage that the project engineering plans are advanced to accurately capture all things related to moving the plant from drawings to life. This includes everything from the size of the equipment and layout, the diameter of the pipes to the specific wiring. The completion of FEL-2 also provided Frontieras with the criteria (size, location, etc.) of how it selected the site for its first FASForm plant

  3. FEL-3:  With engineering plans advanced and costs identified, Witherspoon is in the midst of managing FEL-3 which represents the identification of necessary partners to move the construction forward and identify the management and maintenance, day to day environmental requirements, construction, infrastructure, etc. of the overall site to fully define all aspects of the project. This type of planning allows for Frontieras to be selective in its operation of the plant, to ensure that it is incorporating best practices and industry standards to ensure success of the project.

The final stage is execution.  This phase will be managed by Witherspoon as Frontieras breaks ground with detailed engineering and covers the entire gamut of construction from grading the site to hauling off the energy yields when the site is operational.

As the world grapples with rising energy prices and the energy deficit created by rising demand, Frontieras is well positioned to deliver its innovative technology. J Witherspoon is unique in the world of science and engineering as he consistently demonstrates his ability to not only conceptualize but bring products to market.  I wouldn’t say Witherspoon is a mad scientist, however I think it is safe to say that he has a one-of-a-kind perspective when it comes to the energy sector and is the engine that is driving Frontieras forward. 

Frontieras has been transparent with the progress that it has made toward the commercialization of the FASForm plant.  This includes the construction of a test site, securing land rights, developing off-take contracts for projected yields, working with engineering and construction companies to supporting Frontieras’ broader management team to execute on the capital raise.  The entire Frontieras management team has come to rely on Witherspoon’s insight and knowledge as we prepare to scale the construction of Frontieras’ FASForm plants, first in West Virginia and then in other pro-energy states. 

To learn more about Frontieras North America and its patented energy solution or to invest in the company, please visit

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